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A UWL View describes the way that workitems are presented in the worklist. By customizing a UWL View, you can change column order, sort order, filter conditions, and many more visualization properties.

The attribute supportedItemTypes defines which item types are relevant to the View.

In addition, a view can contain filters.See child element AllowedFilters .

Column details are defined in the child element DisplayAttributes .

Views can contain custom actions which can be applied to the selected items. See child element Actions .

When a specific view is assigned to an ItemType, it will be automatically added to the sub view selection dropdown once the user receives items of that type.

It is also possible to have a default view per UWL iView instance using the iView property sap_uwl_viewname .

The user can personalize many characteristics of the view definition in the personalization page.




Specifies the name of the view to be referenced from the navigation nodes. Use the iView property sap_uwl_viewname to set this view for a custom UWL iView instance.


Specify the width of the table. See HTML table tag. Usually a percentage of the available space. Example: width="98%".


Specifies the item types that can be displayed in this view in a comma separated list.

Example: supportedItemTypes="uwl.task.approval, uwl.task.coll.approval" .


This specifies the order of the display attributes for the columns of the view in a comma separated list.

Example: columnOrder="subject, dueDate, priority, creatorId, createdDate, attachmentCount" .

Other attributes will not be visible in the list view, but the user can personalize the view and add any display attributes into their view.


Specifies the display attributes to sort by, up to a max of three attributes can be specified in a comma separated list. The direction of the sort can also be indicated by using a ":" after the attribute and then using descend or ascend.

Example: sortby="priority:descend, dueDate:ascend, createdDate:descend"


Specifies the row selection mode. Allowed values are NONE , SINGLESELECT , MULTISELECT .


Specifies the table design. Allowed values are ALTERNATING , STANDARD (the default), TRANSPARENT .


The maximum number of rows to display in the view. More items are accessible through paging.


Not used.


Obsolete. Specifies if the view header is displayed. There is no header with the standard Tab layout regardless of the setting of this flag.


Specifies if the view page navigation is displayed or not ( Yes or No ).


Specifies if the search input box is displayed inside the header (yes or no).

This is no longer used for page navigation. The page navigation cannot be added to the header.


Specifies the navigation style. Allowed values are

  • STANDARD - Unified rendering table view navigation

  • CUSTOMNAV - Content Management style (default)

  • POWERNAV - Obsolete. Do not use.

  • BRIEFNAV - Obsolete. Do not use.


Obsolete. Do not use. Use child tag Actions instead.


Number of seconds to have the view return to the server to see if any items need updating.

Example: refresh="300"


Due date will be displayed in red from within the specified number of milliseconds before the date. Default is 1 day.


Due date will be displayed in yellow from within the specified number of milliseconds before the date. Default is 3 days.


Bold the items which are:

  • new (for example: tasks)

  • unread (for example: notifications)

  • none - no bolding


Obsolete, do not use..


Flag to indicate where the view actions should be displayed in the view:

  • top - just below the table view header

  • bottom - just above the footer

  • both


No suppresses that the view is automatically added to the sub view selection dropdown once the user receives item of that type. The default is yes .


Display name of the view to display in the table view header, or within the sub view dropdown. Alternatively, the descriptions can be added in multiple languages within the child tag descriptions .

queryRange Determines the time range to retrieve workitems. Items, older than the range specified, will not be retrieved. Allowed values are: LastWeek, LastMonth, Last_3_Months, LastYear.

Child Tags: Descriptions , DisplayAttributes , AllowedFilters , Actions


The filters for the view are specified as compound expressions (see below). In the UI, the filters are offered to the user in a filter dropdown.

The compound expression with the defaultViewFilter set is active in the view by default. If none of the filters is marked as default filter, the UWL UI adds a blank entry to the filter dropdown that allows to display all items in the view (means no filter is active).

Example for three filters (not used in the general UWL, but for a specific collaboration task list reusing the UWL iView):

<View ...  dynamicCreatingAllowed="no"> 
        <CompoundExpression referenceBundle="filter_display_all" >
            <Expression name="itemType" comparator="StartsWith" value="uwl" />
         <CompoundExpression referenceBundle="filter_completed" >
            <Expression name="itemType" comparator="Equals" value="uwl.completedtask.coll" />
        <CompoundExpression referenceBundle="filter_uncompleted" defaultViewFilter="yes">
            <Expression name="itemType" comparator="NotEquals" value="uwl.completedtask.coll" />