Function documentationCurrency Usage Analysis


This analysis checks which currencies are used in Customizing and which are used as transaction currencies in documents.

Note Note

You can always only check one currency in use for each run.

End of the note.


You are using the SAP Landscape Transformation solution.

You have set up and saved the system environment of the analysis.

An RFC connection exists between the sender and receiver system.

You must have created a project.

You have assigned a project template to the project.

You have created a project execution plan.


To perform the analysis, proceed as follows:

  1. You are in the project execution plan. Choose the access to the analysis from here and the currency to be analyzed. The system prepares the data for execution.

  2. Choose Transmit Results and then

    Generate Result List.

  3. The system generates a result list in XML format.

  4. Choose Display Result List. The system formats the data and displays it in a separate window.

    Note Note

    In addition to the XML result list, you can also have a result list formatted in Word or HTML. To do so, store the corresponding information in the project execution plan. Then choose Generate Result List again, and then Display Result.

    End of the note.