Object documentationUsers Analysis Locate this document in the navigation structure


The Users Analysis screen displays all of the risk violations that you selected by date, system, user group, and risk severity.

The screen contains two sections:

  • Segregation of Duties

  • Critical Actions and Roles.

Segregation of Duties

The Segregation of Duties screen displays an interactive pie chart. This pie chart shows a breakdown of the number of users that are mitigated. And, if they have risk violations they are displayed by the severity level of those risk violations: Critical, High, Medium, and Low.

Click an area of the pie chart to display a breakdown of users and associated risk IDs:

  • No. of Users Analyzed

    The total number of analyzed users for the specified selection criteria.

  • Users with No Violations

    The number of users who have no violations given the specified selection criteria.

  • Users with Violations

    The number of users who have violations given the specified selection criteria. The number displayed is the difference between total users analyzed and users with no violations.

Critical Roles and Actions

The Critical Actions and Roles screen contains an interactive bar chart. When you select a system from the System dropdown menu, this bar chart displays a breakdown of the number of users with critical actions and critical roles and profiles.

To see the user IDs with critical actions and the critical roles and profiles assigned, click a bar label.