Function documentationAccess Control Launch Pad Locate this document in the navigation structure


The SAP GRC Access Control launch pad is a single web page that you use to access the four Access Control capabilities:

  • Risk Analysis and Remediation (RAR)

  • Enterprise Role Management (ERM)

  • Compliant User Provisioning (CUP)

  • Superuser Privilege Management


The launch pad features flexibility and security.

Flexibility with the Launch Pad

Users who need to access multiple capabilities can open a capability from the single source launch pad. You can launch multiple capabilities and work in each one. If you close a window, the remaining windows stay open.

Users who use one capability can access each capability through a separate URL provided by your administrator.

Security with Single Sign-on

Whether you use the launch pad or a separate URL for each capability, you still have the benefits of single sign-on. For information to configure single sign-on, see the SAP GRC Access Control configuration documentation.

The User Management Engine (UME) determines what features you see and what capabilities you are permitted to use. Your UME role determines your access privileges.