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Object documentation Where-Used Lists  Locate the document in its SAP Library structure


A where-used list of an address indicates which database record of an application table references the address. Unless specified otherwise, the information given below also applies to the where-used list for persons (for address types 2 and 3).


Since the where-used list references an application object, it is also commonly called a reference.

Depending on whether the application object is the owner of an address or not, the associated where-used list is called owner reference or usage reference (see Designated Application Objects).


The application must specify a where-used list when it assigns a number to an address. Based on the application table name, the table field for the reference to the address, and the database key of the corresponding record in the database, the address can be exactly assigned to the application object. This is important for:


The application must register BAS usage in table TSADRV, which contains data about the usage of the address. Based on this data, the BAS check if the application has filled the structure correctly for each reference passed. This prevents program errors on the application side.


The TSADRV entry enables developers to store information on an associated BOR object (see Preparing to Work with BAS).




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