Function documentationAccount Overviews


The Interaction Center for utility companies contains various different overviews for customer data.


The account overview provides you with a complete overview of the confirmed account. The system displays general information about the account such as the standard address, the creditworthiness, and any amounts requiring clarification. You can also display additional information such as the preferred method of communication, the correspondence language, and the full address of the account. You also get a brief overview of the financial status of the account including information regarding the last dunning notice, the last payment, the next installment due, existing installment plans, and promises to pay.

In a list of business agreements that belong to the account, the system displays the open and the due amounts for each business agreement, as well as any processing locks and installment plans. You can select a business agreement in the list to navigate to an overview screen.

Collections Overview

If, during dunning for the collection strategy, the agent confirms a work item instead of an account, the system displays the collection overview instead of the account overview. The following information is displayed in addition to the account overview information:

  • Information about the collection strategy

  • Information about the work item

  • Information about the allocation history of the work item

  • Information about the note history (work item and master data group)


You can use the navigation links of the individual objects in the overviews to navigate to the detailed view of the objects.