Item Unique Identification Locate this document in the navigation structure


Technical Data

Technical Name of Business Function


Type of Business Function

Enterprise Business Function

Available as of

SAP enhancement package 3 for SAP ERP 6.0

Technical Usage

Central Applications

Application component

Logistics Basic Data (LO-MD)

Dependent business function(s) you must also activate

Not relevant

You can use this business function to generate and process unique item IDs (UIIs). The UII is a number that uniquely identifies an item worldwide. This number consists of various pieces of information, such as: Issuing agency code + enterprise identifier + serial number


Item Unique Identification (IUID) is available in many logistical processes:

  • Purchasing

    Purchase requisition, purchase order, scheduling agreement, contracts

  • Sales and Distribution

    Sales order, scheduling agreement, contracts

  • Goods movements

  • Production

    Manufacturing order, confirmation for manufacturing orders

  • Outbound and inbound delivery with packing information

  • Plant maintenance

    Installation of tecnhical objects, notification, maintenance order, refurbishment order


You have installed the following components, as of the above-mentioned version:

Type of Component


Only required for the following functions

Software Component



Software Component


UIIs in the Log Book

DIMP-Specific Applications

You have made the Customizing settings for Logistics - General under Item Unique Identification (IUID).

You have activated the Discrete Industries and Mill Product business function if you want to use UIIs in the logbook as well.

If you want to generate UIIs for a material, you have flagged this material in the material master as IUID-relevant.

More Information

Item Unique Identification