Process documentationArchiving of Business Transactions


You can archive business transactions, such as sales orders, activities, and service orders, which have been created in SAP CRM, using the appropriate archiving object (see Available Archiving Objects). The associated data is copied to external archive files and then deleted from the database.


You have made the required settings on the SAP Easy Access screen, under Start of the navigation path Architecture and Technology Next navigation step System Administration Next navigation step Administration Next navigation step Data Archiving End of the navigation path (see Customizing). This includes the cross-archiving-object check program Customizing, where you determine the necessary program parameters for the corresponding archiving object (see Cross-Archiving-Object Check Program).

You can also set up the residence times in Customizing for Customer Relationship Management, under Start of the navigation path Transactions Next navigation step Basic Settings Next navigation step Define Residence Times End of the navigation path.


1. Check

You execute an archivability check for business transactions, by scheduling the cross-archiving-object check program using Check/Delete in Archive Administration (transaction SARA). With the program you can run several check jobs in parallel, which is especially useful for archiving mass data, such as business transactions.

Note Note

Alternatively you can also schedule the archivability check using the archiving-object-specific check program, which you schedule in Archive Administration using the Preprocessing function. In this case parallel processing is not possible, which makes this option less suitable for the processing of mass data. Therefore, it should only be used for archiving smaller volumes of data or for testing the archivability check.

End of the note.

During the archivability check, all business transactions that meet the archivability criteria, receive the Archivable status. In addition to the general archivability criteria, individual business transaction types may have their own archivability criteria (see Archivability Check), which are shown in the following process diagrams:

You can then archive the archivable transactions in the replication phase.

For more information on executing the check, see Archivability Check.

2. Replicate

You schedule the write program using the Write function in Archive Administration. The program selects all business transactions with the status Archivable, and writes them to one or more archive files.

Note Note

Before the write phase you can use an analysis program to check how many business objects of a specific business object type are archivable (see Status Check for Business Objects).

End of the note.

For general information on how to schedule the write program see Creating Archive Files.

3. Delete

CRM business transactions are deleted using the traditional deletion concept (see Carrying out Data Archiving).

Once you have written all archivable business transactions to the archive, delete the successfully archived data from the database by scheduling the accompanying archiving-object-specific delete program in Archive Administration. Before the delete program deletes data from the database, it checks whether the data has been successfully written to the archive file (read verification).

You can schedule the delete program in the Archive Administration via Delete (see Deleting Archived Data from the Database).

Note Note

If you only want to run the delete program for test purposes (so that the data is not deleted from the database), choose the option Test Mode.

End of the note.


You have deleted all the relevant business transactions that meet the archiving criteria from the database and saved them to external archive files. You can display archived business transactions via the Read on the initial screen of Archive Administration.

Note Note

When you archive business transactions, the corresponding actions are deleted, but not archived. Actions contain information about subsequent activities that have been carried out or are scheduled, such as revising quotations or cancellation notifications.

End of the note.