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Component documentation Page Builder  Locate the document in its SAP Library structure


The page builder component loads the portal applications and builds the page so that it is displayed properly in the browser. The page building process has two stages:


       1.      The page builder gets the list of portal applications that are on that page from the page editor. It reads the properties of the portal applications and loads the portal applications using the Portal Runtime (PRT).

       2.      The page builder loads the page layoutcomponent that is based on a JSP file. It represents the actual visual layout of the page and can be edited in the layout view of the page editor. The page layoutcomponent takes the response from every portal application, wraps it with a tray and places it on the page at the right location.

The page building process is done asynchronously, therefore the loading time of the page takes not longer than the time it takes for the slowest portal application in the page to load (unless a specific Page Timeout was defined).

Page Layout Component

The page builder layout is defined by JSP templates with a dedicated tag library for organizing portal applications on a page. The main tag of the tag library is the container tag <lyt:container> which serves as space holder for columns (and rows in a future release) of portal applications. Every container turns into a HTML table with a portal application in every cell.

If a portal application should be placed in a tray, the page layout wraps it with an HTML Business for Java (HTMLB) tray control.

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