Function documentationTiers


You use tiers to categorize the members of your loyalty program in terms of the member activities that they do. You do this to recognize your most valuable customers. You can use this information as a basis for targeted marketing, or as an incentive for loyalty to your organization.


In Customizing for Customer Relationship Management, you have created a profile for your loyalty program type under Start of the navigation path Marketing Next navigation step Loyalty Management Next navigation step Loyalty Programs Next navigation step Define Profiles for Loyalty Program Types End of the navigation path.


You can create multiple tier groups. You use multiple tier groups to make it possible for members to move up or down the tiers in one tier group, independent of the tiers in the other tier groups. Members can have only one active tier in each tier group at any time. For example, you have one tier group with tiers that expire at the end of each year, and another tier group with tiers that never expire, to track the lifetime value of the member.

In each tier group, you define an entry-level tier, and a subsequent sequence for the tiers. This sequence defines which tier a member moves into when they move up or down the tiers in a tier group.

You also define whether your tier group is public or private. The system does not display private tier groups or tiers to members. You use this function to, for example, determine your most valuable members or if you do not want to publicize the benefits of a particular tier group.

For each tier, you assign a date calculation procedure to use as an expiration procedure. This determines the period between a member entering a tier and, if applicable, the expiry of being in that tier. On expiry, the loyalty engine executes an action that you define, such as moving the member to the previous tier in the sequence.