Function documentationIndividual Billing


You perform individual billing if you want to bill all selected items in one or more specific business transactions collectively or want to simulate this type of billing. Start from a view of the billing due list containing items that can be billed.

For more information on this, see Maintenance of the Billing Due List.


To perform individual billing, proceed as follows:

  1. Use the search tool to find the billing due list items you wish to bill

  2. In the Result List table, select the billing due list item you wish to bill

    • You can select as many items as you wish

    • If you select a root node or sub-node, the system will automatically select all sub-nodes and items that fall under the selected node.

  3. In the Result List table tool bar, choose Individual Billing.

    The Billing Due List: Individual Billing screen appears and displays all the items that are to be billed – note that only items with the billing status To be Processed are displayed.

  4. If desired, change the billing type by selecting a value from the New Billing Type list box.

  5. If desired, change the billing date by indicating a date in the New Billing Date list box.

  6. Choose Continue to bill the items; choose Cancel to stop this transaction and return to the search screen.

    Note Note

    If there are more than 100 items to be processed, you will be prompted to conduct a background billing procedure – this allows you to schedule the billing at a later date and time. For example, you can execute a background billing procedure at night, when you are not using the system.

    In this case, the Continue in Background button will also be displayed.

    • If you choose Continue

      The Individual Billing Results screen appears – it first displays a temporary billing ID, which can be used for simulated billing.

      • One document is produced for billing items that have the same billing date and payer or payee.

      • If errors occur during the billing process, a message for each item triggering an error is displayed.

      • Choose Save to save the billing documents – as the system saves the documents, it generates the “real” billing document number.

      • Choose Cancel to stop this transaction and return to the search screen. The billing documents are discarded and the billing due list items are not billed.

      • Select two billing documents and choose Split Analysis to move to the Split Analysis screen.

    • If you choose Continue in Background (only if you have more than 100 items to be processed)

      The Billing Due List: Collective Billing – Schedule Job screen appears.

      • Enter a job name

      • Indicate if you wish the job to start immediately or at a specified date and time.

      • Check the Start Periodically flag if you wish that a billing job automatically take place on a regular basis. In this case, you must also indicate the frequency of billing (hourly, daily, weekly, monthly)

    End of the note.

You have generated one or more billing documents from one or more billing due list items.

Note here that sequential billing request items for the same royalties item are always entered in different billing documents as a result of the different billing dates involved.

A billing due list does not usually contain several BRIs to be billed for the same royalties item if timely settlement is required. Reversal or delays during billing can however lead to these situations.

For more information on the special features in connection with the difference calculation, see the Maintenance of the Billing Due List unit.