Function documentationPlanned Costs from SAP ERP


You can use this integration function to retrieve planned costs from SAP ERP for services, service parts, tools, and sales products that have been replicated from SAP ERP.

You can display costs from SAP ERP in the following business transactions:

  • Service order quotations

  • Service orders

  • Billing requests

  • Sales order quotations

  • Sales orders


This function is supported as of SAP enhancement package 4 for SAP ERP 6.0. Planned costs are calculated in SAP ERP using the Easy Cost Planning functions.


Download of Products from SAP ERP

You have replicated services, service parts, tools, and sales products from SAP ERP.

Mapping SAP ERP Pricing to SAP CRM Pricing

You need to make the following settings in order to map SAP ERP pricing to SAP CRM pricing:

  1. Create a condition function with the target field COST_AMOUNT.

    You do this in Customizing for Customer Relationship Management under Start of the navigation path Transactions Next navigation step Settings for Contracts Next navigation step Additional Settings for Service Contracts Next navigation step Settings for Usage-Based Service Contracts Next navigation step Pricing Next navigation step Define Condition Functions End of the navigation path (you do not need to be using usage-based service contracts to make this setting).

  2. Download condition types (and optionally pricing procedures) from SAP ERP.

    Condition types with the condition category Q (Costing) are downloaded. In SAP CRM, the data record source is automatically set to Q (CRM: Pricing), and the condition function that you have defined for costs (see previous step) is set.

  3. Create pricing procedures in SAP CRM (if these have not been downloaded from SAP ERP).

    You do this in Customizing for Customer Relationship Management under Start of the navigation path Basic Functions Next navigation step Pricing Next navigation step Define Settings for Pricing Next navigation step Create Pricing Procedure End of the navigation path, on the Control Data screen. Assign the condition type that has been downloaded from SAP ERP and select the Statistical checkbox so that the planned costs are not included in the net value.

    If you want to display a margin, enter a line for this and define how the value is calculated (for example, as the difference between net value and costs).

  4. Assign the pricing procedure to the relevant business transaction types in the business transaction category Sales.


Cost elements from SAP ERP are shown in the Price Details assignment block, on header and item level of a business transaction. If you want to display costs and a margin in the Price Totals assignment block, you need to configure the UI component CRMCMP_PRC to include the relevant fields.

If costs change in SAP ERP, you can trigger repricing from the edit view of the Price Details assignment block to show the new costs.

No currency conversion takes place for costs. Costs are displayed in SAP CRM in the business transaction currency.

You can also set up pricing in SAP CRM to calculate margins, based on the planned costs from SAP ERP.

Determination of Relevant SAP ERP Material Prices

In SAP ERP, costs are determined from prices that are defined for materials and services on plant level. You enable the system to determine the plant through your organizational data. SAP CRM determines the plant from the relevant organization as follows:

  • In service transactions, from the assignment of service organizations to plants in Customizing for Customer Relationship Management under Start of the navigation path Master Data Next navigation step Organizational Management Next navigation step Cross-System Assignment of Organizational Units Next navigation step Assign Plant and Storage Location to Service Organizational Units End of the navigation path.

  • In sales transactions, through the business partner with the partner function Vendor in the transaction.

    The assignment of business partners to plants takes place in SAP ERP. When you replicate business partners to SAP CRM, this assignment is also transferred.