Component documentation The Configuration Simulation Locate the document in its SAP Library structure


You can use the configuration simulation to check your configuration model. In the configuration simulation, you can test whether you have created the objects correctly and whether your dependencies work.

The BOM for the configuration result is selected according to the BOM application in the configuration profile.

Simulation of Sales/Engineering

The configuration parameters in the configuration profile apply. However, you can define whether the configuration is simulated from the sales point of view or the engineering point of view:

Simulation of a Planned Order

On the characteristic value assignment screen, you can choose Plnd order to display the components that are determined in material requirements planning (MRP) according to the characteristic values assigned.

This is especially relevant to assemblies whose BOMs are exploded in MRP, not in Sales & distribution (for example, assemblies with the BOM explosion setting None in their configuration profile).



You can only use the configuration simulation for materials.

See also:

The Characteristic Value Assignment Screen

The Configuration Result



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