Date-Specific Terms of Payment 


You can use date limits to define terms of payment that are date-specific.

  1. Invoices that are posted before the 15th of the month are due for payment by the last day of the month.
  2. Invoices that are posted after the 15th of the month are due for payment by the 15th of the next month.

For such terms of payment, you must enter the terms of payment key twice, with a different date limit for each (15 and 31). You select the posting date as a default value for the baseline date.


The terms of payment the system uses depends on:

The terms of payment that apply are always those with the smallest date limit, as long as this limit is not smaller than the day you enter or the day the system calculates. For terms of payment with a date limit, you require a separate entry for each date limit.

In the above illustration, the terms of payment key ZB02 was entered twice: Once with a date limit of 15, and once with a date limit of 31. The last date limit for a terms of payment key must always be "31". Otherwise, the system cannot always calculate valid terms of payment.