Inventory Sampling 


To balance the stock account, every company must perform a physical inventory of its warehouse stocks at least once in a fiscal year. The time and costs of a physical inventory can be considerably reduced if only stocks of individual materials are determined and the count result extrapolated for all stock management units. However, such conclusions (from several counts of all stock management units) are only allowed when certain criteria are fulfilled:

Mathematical/statistical processes are used to perform the inventory sampling:

In the case of a successful inventory sampling, it is assumed that the estimated variances from the book inventory are so small that they can be safely ignored. Only the stock of items, which are actually counted, is corrected in the same way as for the classic physical inventory. The stock of the remaining stock management units does not change.

If the inventory sampling is not successful, then a complete physical inventory must be performed for the uncounted stock management units.

The inventory sampling can be carried out as a Periodic Physical and Continuous Inventory.

Process Flow

You can find the data for this process under .

  1. Creating an Inventory Sampling
  2. Allocating Stock Management Levels
  3. Creating the Stock Population and Division into Classes
  4. Dividing the Sampling Area into Strata
  5. Determining the Sample Elements (Random Selection)
  6. Creating Physical Inventory Documents
  7. Printing Physical Inventory Documents
  8. Entering the Physical Inventory Count
  9. Creating a List of Differences
  10. Changing the Physical Inventory Count
  11. Initiating a Recount
  12. Posting Differences
  13. Updating the Inventory Sampling
  14. Extrapolating the Inventory Sampling