Checking the Planning File 

Implementation Options

The first process in MRP is the checking of the planning file.

The planning run and the scope of the planning run (which materials are planned in which planning run) are controlled by the planning file.

The planning file contains a list of all materials relevant to the planning run. As soon as a material master record is created with MRP data and a valid MRP type, this material is then automatically included in the planning file.


The planning file has been set up and includes all materials relevant to MRP.

Process Flow

  1. The system checks whether the material to be planned is included in the planning file, that is whether the material number is in the planning file and whether the NETCH or NETPL indicator has been set for net change planning or net change planning in the planning horizon (see also Planning Run Types and Scope of Planning).
  2. The system reads the low-level code. The low-level code defines the sequence in which the materials are to be planned. The system plans materials with the low-level code 000 first and then those with 001, and so on. (See also Calculating Low-Level Codes).
  3. The system checks whether the BOM is to be re-exploded due to existing procurement proposals. The system re-explodes the BOM if an X has been entered in the BOM explosion column of the planning file.
  4. The system checks whether procurement proposals existing since the last planning run for a material are to be deleted and recreated. The system does this if an X has been entered in the Reset Order Proposals column (see also Planning Mode).
  5. The system reads the MRP date in addition to the planning file entry if time-phased planning or MRP combined with time-phased planning is used. The MRP date is copied from the planning calendar and determines when planning is to be carried out for the material.
  6. The system checks whether the material is a master schedule item. The system does this if an X has been entered in the MPS Item column of the planning file. This indicator is set if the material has an MRP type for master production scheduling.