Transaction Types 

You can use transaction types to

You can show how the values of FS items have changed. For example, you can portray the changes in assets, from the opening balance over acquisitions, retirements, transfers, etc., through to the closing balance. Changes in equity or appropriations can be shown in the same manner.

Transaction types can be used to sub-classify revenue and expense items according to business segments, divisions, or product groups.

You must differentiate between transaction types and transaction type groups: transaction types are used in data entry, whereas transaction type groups are used in reports .

Transaction types

Enter the transaction types with a three-character ID in the Implementation Guide, under Master data ® Transaction Types. You can set the following parameters:

Transaction type groups

Every transaction type is assigned to a transaction type group. TTy groups are required in the definition of standard reports. Define them in the Implementation Guide in the section Master Data ® Transaction ypes with a 3-character ID.

Transaction type groups can be summarized using formulas, which can use addition or subtraction. The overview indicates whether a group has been defined using a formula. As an example, the transaction type group "Closing balance APC" could be defined as a summarization of the groups "Opening balance APC", Total acquisitions APC", "Total retirements APC" and "Transfers".

You can set a +/- sign for the TTy group to control the output in the reports.

If you have already selected data for a report, observe the following when making changes to transaction type groups: You must make a new data selection so that your changes are taken into consideration. This is triggered by selecting the Copy FS chart of accounts indicator. See further explanations in Data Selection and Update