Smoothing of Individual Scores 


A score for a new goods receipt or the scores for a new service will change the existing scores for the current month.

The new individual score does not have the same significance as the previous composite score, because the latter was calculated from a number of individual scores. For this reason, the new individual score is given a lower weighting (that is to say, it is smoothed).

In carrying out this process, the system applies the relevant smoothing factors that you have defined for each individual score in Customizing.

The following graphic shows how an individual score is smoothed, taking a new goods receipt as an example:

If you have defined a smoothing factor of 0.1, the individual score for a new goods receipt counts as a tenth of the score for the subcriterion. The previous score counts as nine tenths of the new score for the subcriterion. The formula is as follows:

Previous score x (1 - 0.1) + New score x 0.1

For example, the previous score was 80 points, the new individual score is 20. The formula is then:

80 x 0.9 + 20 x 0.1 = 74

The new score for the subcriterion based on this material is 74 points.

The newly valid scores are updated in the statistics. If you have previously carried out a vendor evaluation, however, the scores are not automatically updated there. The new scores are not taken into account for evaluation purposes until you subsequently re-evaluate the relevant vendor.