Payroll Philippines: SSS EDINet Reporting

Scope of Functions

Employers enrolled in the SSS EDINet Program are required by the Social Security System (SSS) to submit Employee Pre-Validation Files (EPF) used by the SSS to validate employee details, and Monthly Contribution Lists (MCL) outlining employee SSS contribution details.

This report lets you generate both Employee Pre-Validation Files and Monthly Contribution Lists for electronic transfer to the Social Security System through an SSS EDINet service provider.

The SSS EDINet program (HPHREDI0) enables you to:

Effects on Existing Data

To generate the Monthly Contribution List and the Employee Pre-Validation File, the SSS EDINet program (HPHREDI0) reads employee data maintained in the Actions (0000), Organizational Assignment (0001), Personal Data (0002), Payroll Status (0003), and Social Security Philippines (0422) infotypes.

Effects on Customizing

The program reads the values stored against the technical wage types:

Your customer-specific SSS wage types should be configured to cumulate into these technical wage types to facilitate SSS reporting.

To ensure that all authorized personnel can access the Monthly Contribution List and Employee Pre-Validation File, SAP recommends that you save the relevant files to an applicaiton server directory or network drive with additional security, and not to a local hard drive.

In addition, SAP recommends that you use logical file names when downloading Monthly Contribution Lists and Employee Pre-Validation Files to the relevant directory. Logical file names are configured by the Basis project team members and ensure that the files are always downloaded to the correct directory.