Reversing Accrual Calculations 


If you want to reverse an accrual calculation, the system resets the target=actual credit postings and the accrual overhead rates.



  1. To reverse accrual calculation in plan or actual, from the Cost Center Accounting menu, choose:
  2. Planning ® Planning aids ® Accrual calculation, or

    Period-end closing ® Single functions ® Accrual calculation

    You can reverse accrual calculations for:

    1. A given cost center
    2. A cost center group
    3. All cost centers in a controlling area
    4. A given version (in plan accrual calculation)
    5. A given period in a fiscal year
  3. Select or deselect the indicators under Processing.
  4. For more information on these indicators, see Executing Accrual Calculations.

  5. Choose Accrual calculation ® Reverse.
  6. Once the reversal is over, the system displays an overview of the reversal process, including the number of objects processed, error log, and so on).