Working with the Object Manager 


The object manager provides you with an easy and user-friendly method of finding and selecting objects over various transactions and components.

In Personnal Administration, you use the object manager to find employees whose data you want to display or edit. The object manager is connected to the following transactions:

The user interface for these transactions is divided into various screen areas, each of which contains specific functions:

Together, the search area and the selection area form the object manager. You perform the transaction-specific functions for the selected employees in the work area.

Every time you execute a transaction, an updated list is displayed in the selection area, according to the search criteria. This also applies if you have saved a search as a favorite.

Process Flow

The following are steps involved in a typical process:

  1. In the search area, you search for one or more employees whose data you want to display or edit.
  1. The selected employees are listed in the selection area. You double-click on an employee to display him or her in the work area.
  1. You perform the transaction-specific functions and carry out personnel actions for the selected employee in the work area.


See also:

Using Search Functions