Representing Fixed Assets 


The term "asset" is used for simple assets, as well as for complex large-scale assets that consist of a number of component assets. The data structure of the system, with a 12 character alpha-numeric main asset number and a 4 character sub-number, allows both. The main asset number represents the asset as a whole. Parts of assets can be represented by different sub-numbers.


Every master record is automatically created with at least one sub-number, even if no sub-assets exist. The system marks the first master record as an asset main number master record. When you use internal sub-number assignment, this main number has sub-number "0000". You can create additional sub-numbers for this main number master record. The system manages values for each sub-number for every individual depreciation area in year segments. The individual transactions are posted directly to the sub-numbers as line items.

Main Asset with Sub-Numbers