Maintenance Task List 


Description of the procedure for maintaining a maintenance object.


Maintenance task lists is the generic term used for all task lists that can be used in Plant Maintenance.

The following types of task list exist in Plant Maintenance:

The general maintenance task list is not linked to a particular maintenance object. It can be used as a proposal when creating maintenance orders and other maintenance task lists.


A maintenance task list contains operations that describe the individual work steps. If greater detail is required, operations can be sub-divided into sub-operations. You can assign master inspection characteristics to the operations or maintain planned inspection characteristics for the operations. This is not possible for sub-operations.

Operations can be performed sequentially, in parallel or overlapping with one another. Their chronological sequence is defined by relationships. Operations and sub-operations can be processed internally or externally. The activities defined for an external operation are requested using orders. Spare materials and resources that are required for the maintenance work can be planned in the operation.