Maintenance Plan 


Description of maintenance and inspection tasks to be performed on maintenance objects. The dates and scope of the tasks are also defined here.


Depending on the use of the maintenance plan, the following types of maintenance plan are available:

With Maintenance Strategy

Without Maintenance Strategy


A maintenance plan contains:

A maintenance plan can either be structured with regard to time or performance, based on a maintenance strategy. If you do not use a strategy, it is a single cycle plan, otherwise it is a strategy plan. Alternatively, a maintenance plan can be a multiple counter plan, in which time-based and performance-based maintenance cycles are combined to produce maintenance dates.

Measuring points, at which counter readings are entered, form the basis for performance-based maintenance.


A maintenance plan contains one or more maintenance items, in which the maintenance objects to be maintained and the corresponding maintenance task list have been defined. The maintenance tasks to be performed on a due date are determined by the maintenance task list assigned to the maintenance item.

The necessary maintenance or service orders are automatically generated for a due maintenance date.