Cancellation of Score in Case of GR Reversal 


The system takes reversals of goods receipts (GRs) into consideration in calculating the scores for the criteria "On-Time Delivery Performance", "Adherence to Confirmation Date", "Delivery Reliability", and "Compliance with Shipping Instructions". The reversals relate to one purchase order item.

The system considers only reversals affecting goods receipts against purchase orders and scheduling agreements into stores and the release of GR blocked stock into stores. In the standard system, these are the movement types 102 and 106.

This function is intended to cater for input errors that are immediately corrected by the receiving clerk, since the system only considers the last goods receipt that caused the score to be updated.

Scores for "On-Time Delivery Performance" and "Adherence to Confirmation Date"

The last score recorded for a goods receipt is cancelled if:

If several reversal documents are posted in succession against a PO item, or a reversal is posted for an earlier goods receipt, only the score that was recorded for the last goods receipt is cancelled.

Four goods receipts are posted against a PO item, each of which resulted in the cumulative score being updated:

Goods receipt


20 pcs.


40 pcs.


10 pcs.


15 pcs.



After the posting of the four goods receipts, the following cases are conceivable:

In all three cases, only the score recorded for the last goods receipt is cancelled (i.e. 40).

If a reversal took place after the first receipt of 20 pcs. and another one after the second receipt of 40 pcs., the system would cancel the score of 60 after the first reversal and the score 80 after the second reversal.

The points outlined in the example also apply to the cancellation of scores for quantity reliability and compliance with shipping instructions.

Score for Quality Reliability

The score recorded for the last goods receipt is cancelled if a goods receipt is reversed. If the reversal quantity is less than or equal to the last GR quantity, the system checks whether the GR quantity is greater than or equal to the quantity ordered. If so, a new score is recorded.

Only the last-recorded score is cancelled, even if the reversal quantity exceeds the last GR quantity.

Note re Shipping Instructions

The score recorded for the last goods receipt is cancelled if a goods receipt is reversed.


The system calculates the new overall score (OS) as follows:

Old OS - score from last GR X smoothing factor
----------------------------------------------- = New OS
1 - smoothing factor

Special Case

If only one goods receipt was posted in a certain period and just one unsmoothed score was recorded for this receipt, the score is cancelled in accordance with the above formula in the event that this receipt is reversed.

This means that if a score of 70 was recorded after the goods receipt, the overall score is still 70 following the reversal.

In the case of a smoothing factor of 0,2 the new overall score is calculated as follows:

70 - 70 * 0,2
------------- = 70
1 - 0,2