Reentry into Company 


In the system, you can perform the re-admission of an employee who previously left your company with a Personnel Action.

All of the infotypes that you have process when re-hiring someone appear automatically and sequentially in the personnel action type Reentry into Company.


The Reentry into Company personnel action type groups various logically related infotypes together to form an infotype group. You can use the customizing tool in Personnel Administration to adjust the infotype group to the individual requirements of your company.

Process Flow

When you perform the Reentry into Company personnel action type, you must note the following points:

Process Reentry into Company

When an employee who previously left your company reenters it, a data record is stored in the infotype Actions (0000) whilst you execute the personnel action type Reentry into Company. You store the date and the reason for reentering the company in this infotype record, amongst other things.

As all of the previously valid data for an employee remains in the system even after they have left the company, you have to enter a lot less data when they reenter the company, than you did when the first started at the company.

Integration to Organizational Management

If the Personnel Administration component is integrated with the Organizational Management component, you can link the data about the employee’s organizational assignment in Organizational Management to the data about the position. This relationship determines how infotypes 0000 Actions and 0001 Organizational Assignment are processed.

For further information see the following sections:

The Personnel Structure From the Organizational Perspective

Processing Actions Infotype (0000) if Organizational Management is Integrated

Processing Organizational Assignment Infotype (0001) if Organizational Management is Integrated


You have entered or changed all of the necessary data in the system for all the employees returning to your company using the personnel action type Reentry into Company.