Pricing Worklist 


Sales prices are generally calculated on the basis of the purchase price, which is in turn calculated using the purchase price calculation schema on the basis of condition types affecting pricing (the basic purchase price, vendor discounts, for example). Other parameters affecting pricing are the regular vendor indicator for a vendor and the source of supply key in the article master data, both used in source determination.

If the purchase price or the above parameters for source determination change, it is advisable to check the existing sales prices with respect to the new margin.

With the help of the pricing worklist function, the system can find all sales price calculations affected by changes in parameters affecting pricing.


If you want to use the pricing worklist function, you must make sure that when you save sales prices pricing documents are created with a document index. This is configured in the pricing type.

The settings required for the pricing worklist function are configured in Customizing for Pricing under Pricing Worklist.


When a pricing worklist is created, new calculations are carried out for those articles and organizational levels with calculations that are found to be affected by changes.

These recalculations are managed as pricing documents of pricing document type 0002.

To determine the validity periods for the new calculations, the system takes the validity periods both of the changed conditions and of the original calculations into account.

You can select the exact documents you want to process in the pricing worklist.

For further information, see Processing the Pricing Worklist.

If you process an item but neither save or delete it, it receives the status B (changed, not saved).

Just as when you save prices in regular sales price calculations, pricing documents are created for the items you save (pricing document type 0001).

Source Data Used in Determining Changes Relevant to Pricing

The following is used as source data for determining the price calculations affected by changes relevant to pricing:

A document index is a secondary index used for selecting documents according to a particular criterion. If you have the system generate pricing documents with document indexes, you avoid having to analyze all documents in a selection run. The system can find documents in which purchase price conditions change much faster using document indexes. This also allows a pricing worklist of sales prices that require re-calculating to be generated more efficiently.

You can activate the generation of pricing documents with document indices in Customizing for Retail Pricing in the Pricing Type step. You can choose between:

With this type of document index, the system only finds the price calculations affected by purchase price changes.

With this type of document index, the system finds price calculations affected by purchase price changes and also by changes in supply source parameters.


The following figure illustrates how changes in the basic purchase price and the vendor discount generate three items in a pricing worklist.

See also:

Automatic Updating of Documents Following Condition Changes