Goods Movement (IM) Not Allowed for Storage Types

In this workstep you disallow goods movement postings (IM) for certain storage types. In this way you prevent postings to Inventory Management (IM) from being executed for the storage types in question.

This can be desirable, for example, if certain storage types are manged by an external system, and you want to inform this external system about the stock change. The interface to the external system (WCU) is activated solely during creation of transfer orders, not during IM postings.

As a rule, the interim storage bin to which the posting is to be executed is determined via Customizing through the movement type.

If you are implementing Handling Unit Management, the current storage bin of the handling unit (storage unit) is used as the interim storage bin.


SAP recommends this indicator for all storage types that are not used as interim storage types.