Reposting Internal Activity Allocation 


You repost internal activity allocations to adjust any incorrect postings arising during the internal activity allocation.

Repostings enable you to adjust an internal activity allocation without the need to reverse the document first and then make an adjustment posting.


You can only repost an internal activity allocation if you have already allocated activities that you now want to adjust.


You select the internal activity allocations that are to be reposted on a selection screen, and then process them. This makes it possible, for example, to:

The changed document rows are checked by the system, and the data, provided it contains no errors, is updated in one workstep.

Through a reference document number, the system creates a reference between the document from the source activity allocation and the adjustment document.

You can only post direct internal activity allocations that have been posted in Controlling. You cannot repost activity allocations that were not posted in Controlling.

You can only repost those project confirmation documents in CO, which are related to activity allocation.

You can only repost the documents from time recording using cross-application time sheets (CATS) in CO, which relate to activity allocation. You can use background processing to post the time records to CO (see: Time Sheets).

You have the option of reposting the internal activity allocation in a different period. Due to the negative activity flow between the old receiver and the sender, the old receiver may contain a negative quantity.

For non-period-related internal activity allocations, you should therefore use a cumulative price, as other price calculations would lead to incorrect results (see: Actual Price Calculation).

If you are using reposting of internal activity allocations together with predetermination of fixed costs (see: Predetermination of Fixed Costs) and the sender is participating in the predistribution, it depends on the receiver whether the overall costs or only the variable costs should be allocated (see: Direct Activity Allocation).


You repost internal activity allocation in two steps:

  1. Select the internal activity allocations that you want to repost (see: Selecting Internal Activity Allocations).
  2. Enter the repostings and execute them (see: Reposting Internal Activity Allocations).

See also

Receivers of Manual Actual Postings