SAPDBA Logs: Oracle 

  1. Choose transaction DB14 .
  2. Choose from the pushbuttons SAPDBA, DB OPTIMIZER, BRBACKUP and BRARCHIVE to look at the logs for operations created using these programs.

The logs contains the following information:

Begin of action

Start of the operation (date and time)

End of action

End of the operation (date and time)


Type of operation


Database object or keyword


Return codes
For more information, see
Return Codes and RC.

For detailed information about an individual database operation, double-click it.

Choose Function IDs for a list of all possible database operations (function ID), their respective assignment to the executing program, and a short explanation of the operations.

For operations not contained in Function IDs , choose Others.

For a list of all operations executed, choose All.


For more information, see: