Operation and Phase Data Editing 


This section describes how you plan the individual steps needed in a process while editing a master recipe. It takes into account both general data about the process steps and data that is required in subsequent planning (for instance, resource selection or scheduling).

The following process steps are also taken into account in all the other processes for recipe editing that describe the first editing steps to be carried out or cover different subject areas. Use this description if you want to edit all operation and phase data at once, irrespective of the subject area to which it belongs.


The following data has been created in the system:

If you work with the Process Flow Scheduler (PFS), only use resources with one capacity category. The PFS only takes one capacity category per resource into account. If you require further capacities, you can assign secondary resources to the phases of a master recipe.

Process Flow

  1. You visually reproduce the individual process steps in your master recipe as follows:

You need to determine the following, for example:

If you cannot determine the primary resource to be used until shortly before order processing, you assign a suitable planning resource to the operations provisionally.

If operations are externally processed, you must only assign a resource to them if the control key assigned to the phases specifies that they are scheduled using their standard values.

  1. If the primary resource you have assigned is a planning resource, you define a selection condition for the operation. This is then used for system-aided resource selection.
  2. To be able to schedule the recipe, plan capacities, and carry out costing, you enter the following detail data about the phases of the master recipe:
  1. If the primary resource has a capacity and a processing unit with labor capacity assigned to it, you can specify the number of employees required in the general phase data.

Using the POI interface, you can transfer this information to external planning tools. The planning table of repetitive manufacturing uses this information to determine the maximum and minimum number of employees required for a planning period.

  1. If you use the application component Payroll Accounting (PY) and work with incentive wages, you can enter a wage type in the general phase data. The wage type is used as a default for time ticket confirmations and time tickets.
  2. If the quality is to be checked for a process step, you specify the following in the QM data for the operation or phase:
  1. You enter a long text with explanations and notes for the operation or phase.
  2. You save the master recipe.