

You schedule a maintenance plan with which the system generates maintenance call objects (for example, maintenance orders or service orders) for the defined cycles.


When you schedule a maintenance plan for the first time, the start date or the initial counter reading entered triggers the maintenance cycle on the time axis. The following special features are valid for the start date or initial counter reading:


For each scheduling, the system calculates the due date (planned date) for a maintenance call object based on the scheduling parameters and the maintenance cycles or packages and generates maintenance calls. It ensures that at least one maintenance call has the status On hold. When the maintenance call is due, the system generates a maintenance call object for each due maintenance item. Which object the system generates for the due date is determined by the maintenance plan category.

Automatic Deadline Monitoring

You can use this function to simplify the generation of maintenance call objects for maintenance plans. Start the deadline monitoring at regular intervals using an internally programmed report (for example, weekly or for a weekly cycle). The system then generates the maintenance call objects according to the cycles defined.

A start date or an initial counter reading must have been entered in the scheduling parameters for the maintenance plan, or you must have already scheduled the maintenance plan once (see First-Time Scheduling).

When you run the deadline monitoring function, the system converts all the maintenance calls, for which the call horizon has been reached, into maintenance call objects. The system also performs a complete rescheduling of the maintenance plan and ensures that maintenance calls are always available for the period which you have defined as the scheduling period.

Scheduling period

30 days

Deadline monitoring on:

01. January, 19XX

Scheduling performed up to:

01. February, 19XX

Even if you do not specify a scheduling period in the maintenance plan, scheduling is performed at least once, and the system generates at least one maintenance call. The maintenance plan is automatically extended. You no longer need to schedule the maintenance plan manually using the scheduling function.

Scheduling parameters

You can control special scheduling requirements using the scheduling parameters in the maintenance plan. The system calculates the cycles in which maintenance call objects should be generated, based on these scheduling parameters. The following data is also considered:

You schedule a maintenance plan which contains a 2-month and a 6-month package. The first due package is the 2-month package. After four months, the 2-month package is due again. After six months, both the 2-month package and the 6-month package are due.

If you specify a scheduling period for a maintenance plan in the scheduling parameters, the system calculates the due dates for this period of time, and generates maintenance calls. For example, you can enter a scheduling period of 365 days or 6 months to obtain an overview of the due dates for the entire year or half year.

Special Scheduling Functions

In some cases, it may be necessary to reschedule the maintenance plan or cancel scheduling. For more information about additional scheduling functions, see Special Scheduling Functions.

See also

Completion Confirmation


Adapting a Planned Date Individually

Changing the Scheduling Parameters for a Maintenance Plan