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R Client API for machine learning algorithms

Documentation for package ‘’ version 1.0.8


-- A --

AdditiveModelForecast AdditiveModelForecast
AffinityPropagation Affinity Propagation
AgglomerateHierarchical Agglomerate Hierarchical Clustering
Apriori Apriori algorithm for association rule mining
AprioriLite Lite Apriori algorithm for association rule mining
Arima Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average
Auc Area Under Curve (AUC)
AutoArima AutoArima

-- B --

BrownExponentialSmoothing BrownExponentialSmoothing

-- C --

Confusion.matrix Confusion Matrix
confusion.matrix Confusion Matrix
ConnectionContext ConnectionContext
ConvertToHANADataFrame ConvertToHANADataFrame
CovarianceMatrix Computes covariance matrix
CPD Change-point Detection
CRF Conditional Random Field
Croston Croston

-- D --

DataFrame hanaml DataFrame
DataManipulation DataManipulation
DBSCAN DBSCAN (Density-Based Spatial Clustering of Applications with Noise)
DecisionTreeClassifier Decision Tree Model for Regression
DecisionTreeRegressor Decision Tree Model for Regression
Discretize Discretize
DiscriminantAnalysis Linear Discriminant Analysis

-- E --

ExponentialRegression Exponential Regression

-- F --

FeatureNormalizer Feature Normalizer
FPGrowth FP-Growth algorithm for association rule mining

-- G --

GaussianMixture Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM)
GeometricRegression Bi-variate Geometric Regression
GetColumns GetColumns
Glm Generalized Linear Model

-- H --

hanaml.AccuracyMeasure Accuracy Measure
hanaml.AdditiveModelForecast AdditiveModelForecast
hanaml.AffinityPropagation Affinity Propagation
hanaml.AgglomerateHierarchical Agglomerate Hierarchical Clustering
hanaml.Apriori Apriori algorithm for association rule mining
hanaml.AprioriLite Lite Apriori algorithm for association rule mining
hanaml.Arima Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average
hanaml.Auc Area Under Curve (AUC)
hanaml.AutoArima AutoArima
hanaml.AutoExponentialSmoothing AutoExponentialSmoothing
hanaml.bernoulli Bernoulli Distribution Sampling
hanaml.beta Beta Distribution Sampling
hanaml.binomial binomial Distribution Sampling
hanaml.BrownExponentialSmoothing BrownExponentialSmoothing
hanaml.Cauchy Cauchy Distribution Sampling
hanaml.ChisqGoF ChisqGoF
hanaml.ChisqIndependence ChisqIndependence
hanaml.chisquared Chisquared Distribution Sampling
hanaml.ConditionIndex Condition Index
hanaml.Confusion.matrix Confusion Matrix
hanaml.ConnectionContext ConnectionContext
hanaml.Correlation Correlation
hanaml.CovarianceMatrix Computes covariance matrix
hanaml.CPD Change-point Detection
hanaml.CRF Conditional Random Field
hanaml.Croston Croston
hanaml.DataFrame hanaml DataFrame
hanaml.DBSCAN DBSCAN (Density-Based Spatial Clustering of Applications with Noise)
hanaml.DecisionTreeClassifier Decision Tree Model for Regression
hanaml.DecisionTreeRegressor Decision Tree Model for Regression
hanaml.Discretize Discretize
hanaml.DiscriminantAnalysis Linear Discriminant Analysis
hanaml.DoubleExponentialSmoothing DoubleExponentialSmoothing
hanaml.exponential Exponential Distribution Sampling
hanaml.ExponentialRegression Exponential Regression
hanaml.FeatureNormalizer Feature Normalizer
hanaml.FFT FastFourierTransform(FFT)
hanaml.fisher.f fisher.f Distribution Sampling
hanaml.FPGrowth FP-Growth algorithm for association rule mining
hanaml.gamma Gamma Distribution Sampling
hanaml.GaussianMixture Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM)
hanaml.GeoDBSCAN Geometry DBSCAN
hanaml.geometric Geometric Distribution Sampling
hanaml.GeometricRegression Bi-variate Geometric Regression
hanaml.Glm Generalized Linear Model
hanaml.gumbel Gumbel Distribution Sampling
hanaml.HGBTClassifier Hybrid Gradient Boosting Tree Classifier
hanaml.HGBTRegressor Hybrid Gradient Boosting Tree Regressor
hanaml.HierarchicalForecast Hierarchical Forecast
hanaml.Imputer Imputer
hanaml.IQR The Interquartile Range
hanaml.Kmeans Kmeans
hanaml.Kmedian K-Medians
hanaml.Kmedoid K-Medoids
hanaml.Knn K-Nearest Neighbor(KNN)
hanaml.KNNClassifier K-Nearest Neighbor(KNN) Classifier
hanaml.KNNRegressor K-Nearest Neighbor(KNN) Regressor
hanaml.Kord KORD algorithm for association rule mining
hanaml.LatentDirichletAllocation Latent Dirichlet Allocation
hanaml.LinearRegression Linear Regression
hanaml.LinkPredict Link Prediction
hanaml.LogarithmicRegression Bi-variate Natural Logarithmic Regression
hanaml.LogisticRegression Logistic Regression
hanaml.lognormal Lognormal Distribution Sampling
hanaml.LRSeasonalAdjust Linear Regression with Damped Trend and Seasonal Adjust
hanaml.MDS Multi-dimensional Scaling
hanaml.MLPClassifier Multi-layer perceptron (MLP) Classifier
hanaml.MLPRegressor Multi-layer perceptron (MLP) Regressor
hanaml.ModelStorage ModelStorage
hanaml.MulticlassAuc Area Under Curve with Multi-class
hanaml.Multinomial Multinomial Distribution
hanaml.NaiveBayes Naive Bayes
hanaml.negative.binomial negative.binomial Distribution Sampling
hanaml.normal Normal Distribution Sampling
hanaml.OneClassSVM OneClassSVM
hanaml.OnewayAnova One-way Analysis of variance (ANOVA)
hanaml.OnewayAnovaRepeated Oneway Repeated Analysis of variance (ANOVA)
hanaml.PageRank Page Rank
hanaml.Partition Partition
hanaml.PCA principal component analysis (PCA)
hanaml.PearsonrMatrix Computes correlation matrix using Pearsonr
hanaml.PERT PERT Distribution Sampling
hanaml.Poisson Poisson Distribution Sampling
hanaml.poisson Poisson Distribution Sampling
hanaml.PolynomialRegression Polynomial Regression
hanaml.RandomForestClassifier Random Forest for Classification
hanaml.RandomForestRegressor Random Forest for Regression
hanaml.Sampling Sampling
hanaml.SeasonalDecompose Seasonality Test
hanaml.SingleExponentialSmoothing Single Exponential Smoothing
hanaml.SOM Self-Organizing Maps
hanaml.SPM sequential pattern mining (SPM)
hanaml.student.t Student's t Distribution Sampling
hanaml.SVC Support Vector Classification (SVC)
hanaml.SVR Support Vector Regression (SVR)
hanaml.SVRanking Support Vector Ranking
hanaml.TrendTest Trend Test
hanaml.TripleExponentialSmoothing TripleExponentialSmoothing
hanaml.TTest1Samp Sample TTest
hanaml.TTestInd Independent sample TTest
hanaml.TTestPaired Paired sample TTest
hanaml.uniform Uniform Distribution Sampling
hanaml.UnivariateAnalysis Univariate Analysis
hanaml.VarianceTest Variance Test
hanaml.weibull weibull Distribution Sampling
hanaml.WhiteNoiseTest White Noise Test
HGBTClassifier Hybrid Gradient Boosting Tree Classifier
HGBTRegressor Hybrid Gradient Boosting Tree Regressor
HierForecast Hierarchical Forecast

-- I --

Imputer Imputer

-- K --

Kmeans Kmeans
Kmedian K-Medians
Kmedoid K-Medoids
Knn K-Nearest Neighbor(KNN)
KNNClassifier K-Nearest Neighbor(KNN) Classifier
KNNRegressor K-Nearest Neighbor(KNN) Regressor
Kord KORD algorithm for association rule mining

-- L --

LatentDirichletAllocation Latent Dirichlet Allocation
LinearRegression Linear Regression
LinkPredict Link Prediction
LogarithmicRegression Bi-variate Natural Logarithmic Regression
LogisticRegression Logistic Regression

-- M --

MLPClassifier Multi-layer perceptron (MLP) Classifier
MLPRegressor Multi-layer perceptron (MLP) Regressor
ModelStorage ModelStorage
MulticlassAuc Area Under Curve with Multi-class

-- N --

NaiveBayes Naive Bayes

-- O --

OneClassSVM OneClassSVM

-- P --

PageRank Page Rank
PCA principal component analysis (PCA)
PearsonrMatrix Computes correlation matrix using Pearsonr
PolynomialRegression Polynomial Regression
predict.AdditiveModelForecast Make Predictions from a "AdditiveModelForecast" Object
predict.Arima Make Predictions from a "Arima" Object
predict.AutoArima Make Predictions from a "AutoArima" Object
predict.CRF Make Predictions from a CRF Object
predict.DBSCAN Make Predictions from a "DBSCAN" Object
predict.DecisionTreeClassifier Predict based on model for Decision Tree Classifier
predict.DecisionTreeRegressor Predict based on model for Decision Tree Regressor
predict.DiscriminantAnalysis Make Predictions from a Linear Discriminant Analysis Object
predict.ExponentialRegression Make Predictions from a "ExponentialRegression" Object
predict.GaussianMixture Make Predictions from a GaussianMixture Object
predict.GeometricRegression Make Predictions from a "GeometricRegression" Object
predict.Glm Make Predictions from a "Glm" Object
predict.HGBTClassifier Predict using HGBTClassifier
predict.HGBTRegressor Predict using HGBTRegressor
predict.Kmeans Make Predictions from a "Kmeans" Object
predict.Knn Make Predictions from a "Knn" Object
predict.KNNClassifier Make Predictions from a "KNNClassifier" Object
predict.KNNRegressor Make Predictions from a "KNNRegressor" Object
predict.LinearRegression Make Predictions from a "LinearRegression" Object
predict.LogarithmicRegression Make Predictions from a "LogarithmicRegression" Object
predict.LogisticRegression Make Predictions from a "LogisticRegression" Object
predict.MLPClassifier MLP Classifier Prediction:
predict.MLPRegressor Predict using MLP Regressor
predict.NaiveBayes Make Predictions from a "NaiveBayes" Object
predict.OneClassSVM Make Predictions from a "OneClassSVM" Object
predict.PolynomialRegression Make Predictions from a "PolynomialRegression" Object
predict.RandomForestClassifier Predict based on model for Random Forest Classifier
predict.RandomForestRegressor Predict based on model for Random Forest Regressor
predict.SOM Make Predictions from a "SOM" Object
predict.SVC Make Predictions from a "SVC" Object
predict.SVR Make Predictions from a "SVR" Object
predict.SVRanking Make Predictions from a "SVRanking" Object

-- Q --

QuoteName QuoteName

-- R --

RandomForestClassifier Random Forest for Classification
RandomForestRegressor Random Forest for Regression

-- S --

SOM Self-Organizing Maps
SPM sequential pattern mining (SPM)
SVC Support Vector Classification (SVC)
SVR Support Vector Regression (SVR)
SVRanking Support Vector Ranking

-- T --

transform.Discretize Make transform from a "Discretize" Object
transform.DiscriminantAnalysis Make Projections from a Linear Discriminant Analysis Object
transform.FeatureNormalizer Make Transform from a "FeatureNormalizer" Object
transform.Imputer Make transformation from a "Imputer" Object
transform.LatentDirichletAllocation Make Inference from a "LatentDirichletAllocation" Object
transform.PCA Make Projection from a "PCA" Object
TripleExponentialSmoothing TripleExponentialSmoothing
TTest1Samp Sample TTest

-- U --

UnivariateAnalysis Univariate Analysis